
Eric and Jazmine

Congrats to Eric and Jazmine who were married last Saturday! It was a beautiful wedding and an amazing day. Minus the fact that I had major drama with my camera, which is now in the shop getting looked at.....go figure that it would decided to mess with me on a wedding day! Thank goodness I had my good friend Vanessa from Pic me Photos to save the day! I am counting on her to have all the shots I couldn't get! Thanks for saving me! So here's a peek at what we got coming Jaz and Eric! By the way your kids are beautiful too!

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Vanessa said...

K you didn't need saving! These are awesome! Thanks for letting me help. Sucks about your camera...I say it's time for a new one!!!! :)

Kellee Smith said...

So, the picture of their hands while they were getting married is beautiful. People never think about lighting and how it will effect their pictures, and you took what you had and did an outstanding job. Kudos on high ISO and no flash!!!

Kellee Smith said...

Let me clarify!!! You can tell the lighting is not the best, and you rocked what you had... I LOVE IT! I am saying great job on making something that is not the best the absolute best!

Amanda said...

I love the little girls by the fence. So adorable! And i agree with Kellee, you totally rocked it!